Blackwoods opens doors for humanitarian entrants seeking professional careers

Building on the long and successful partnership with CareerTrackers and the engagement of Indigenous university interns and graduates, Blackwoods took the first steps in developing a sustainable and valuable pipeline of diverse talent through the CareerSeekers program.
CareerSeekers is a not-for-profit sister organisation to CareerTrackers, assisting humanitarian entrants to Australia into professional careers. The program provides in-depth preparation and support to refugees and people seeking asylum who are currently studying at university and seeking a pathway to graduate employment, as well as those who have professional experience in their country of origin and are wanting to restart their careers in Australia.
During the 2021 financial year, Blackwoods was privileged to access the diverse talent available through CareerSeekers. Blackwoods hosted Grece, a recently arrived refugee from Syria who is studying marketing full-time at university. Grece acquired practical and relevant paid work experience at Blackwoods before returning to her studies. Blackwoods also employed two alumni of the university student stream of the CareerSeekers program, Yaser and Shakila. Both were successful in a competitive recruitment process, showing how effective the preparation and support provided by CareerSeekers can be.
Lynn Anderson, Program Director of CareerSeekers stated, “Blackwoods’ mission is to help more people build a better Australia and our mission is to help new Australians who have arrived through our humanitarian program to settle better, faster. It’s a great alignment of values.”
Creating a diverse, effective and respectful workplace and team is crucial for Blackwoods’ continued success. By supporting committed and dedicated CareerSeeker university students, graduates and mid-career professionals, Blackwoods is enhancing and contributing to the future of its business and the community as a whole.